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What a difference a year makes...

You may remember out little foal Zamorano who came to Glushu in October 2017 for help with his Angular Limb Deformity.

Well what a difference a year makes! Zamorano has gone from badly bent legs at birth in May 2017 to WINNING competitions in July 2018!!!

Please see the latest update from his owners Heidi and Lorraine and his full Glushu story below.

If you have a horse with problems hooves from laminitis to tenderfoot to whiteline Glushu can help. Please do not hesitate to drop us an email to discuss your horse:

11th July 2018

Zamorano update

"From the foal that was born with angular limb deformity to now out competing inhand.

The following picture was his first show where he claimed a successful win. All very exciting for the future. None of this would have been possible without the help of Glushu and their team.

Zamorano had 3 sets of Glushu his last set taken off in December where it was decided Glushu had worked and his limbs were in alignment. When his Glushu were taken off it was noted that they had balanced even wear this goes to show Glushu worked to allow his limbs to develop correctly.

Thank you again for everything you have done for Zamorano.

Many thanks Heidi and Lorraine."

Zamorano in Glushu glue on horse shoes

30th January 2018

"Our foal Zamorano who is now 8 months old has been wearing Glushu to help with his limb deformity.

He has undergone careful trimming and 3 lots of Glushu to provide the balance needed to ensure his bones were developing correctly.

Just before Christmas he had his 3rd set of Glushu on and a veterinary examination confirmed Glushu had been successful and Zamorano's limbs and hooves were now in correct alignment. So after 5 weeks of his 3rd set they have now been removed and on examination of his shoes they showed total balance wear.

This proves how the wearing of Glushu gave him the balance and support required to allow him to develop the straightness that was needed.

We are extremely grateful to Glushu for this amazing product.

Many thanks Heidi and Lorraine."

Zamorano in Glushu glue on horse shoes

17th December 2017

"Zamorano had his 3rd pair of Glushu fitted this week. Since he has had Glushu the difference is amazing he is so much straighter and more confident.

Many thanks Heidi and Lorraine."

Zamorano in Glushu glue on horse shoes

18th October 2017

"In May 2017 our foal arrived unfortunately born with angular limb deformity. It was advised that foal had to have extensions fitted to help straighten and encourage the feet to be placed down more level. Unfortunately trying numerous different extensions and glues they weren't staying on and would only last approximately 48hours. At our wits end we came across an article in the journal about Glushu a company that happened to be local to us. So we approached John Wright who agreed to come out and see the foal with a hope of designing a foal extension that would stay on. The following photos show when the foal was born to now wearing his newly designed Glushu s.

Not only are we over the moon of the success of the shoes but the time, professionalism and care taken by this company was outstanding.

I myself being a coach can see how this type of shoe could benefit the competition horse who regularly has to undergo shoeing due to the wearing of the shoe,also horses who struggle to keep shoes on and problematic issues such as laminitis."

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