Glushu for Dressage: Blue is a Winner.
Thanks to the gorgeous Blue and his owner Stacey for updating us on their progress.
Blue has been able to maintain his dressage training and competition thanks to Glushu helping him with a tricky crack in the hoof that meant traditional shoeing was not an option.
Please take time to read, like and share their Facebook blog which follows their journey from racing to dressage:
If you have any questions about Glushu or would like to try them for your horse please email us
July 2018
"Jacketless dressage today!! 😱
It was too hot to compete in a satin lined jacket today so thankfully we were allowed to ride without.
We love going to Inchcoonans Equestrian as their dressage shows are always well organised and have such an all round good atmosphere.
We competed for the first time doing two novice tests today instead of prelim. Our first test novice 27 was nice but nothing flashy - we got hammered for being on the forehand which is something we might have got away with more at prelim but definitely an expectation at novice that they will carry themselves more uphill.
I knew I should have pushed him up into the contact but as he had been hanging on my right rein recently I think I was worried about him hollowing. In the warm up I tried to have a discussion with him regarding me wanting a soft right rein which ended on a bit of a compromise - I sacrificed the marks and uphill contact by keeping my hands low for a smoother test with no major blips (other than some hollowing during the canter give and retake.) End result was 60% placing 6th - not the best but at least no comments about tensions or stiffness! And I did feel I rode every movement I could have just been a bit more brave and rode it a little bit more!
Then we had a quick 45 minute break to desperately try and cool down I almost didn’t ride my second test I felt sick with the heat! But this time we had an indoor warm up and it was cooler.
I only gave Blue a quick ten minute blast and focused on ensuring I had some mediums left in us and that he was light in both the reins.
Leg more securely on and feeling better about asking for a more uphill contact we danced our way round novice 30 which is the more challenging of the two with lots of tricky canter work at the end!
Immediately he was off his shoulders and I felt a clearer difference in his mediums - was really pleased with how I rode the canter ones and the canter-trot-canters which would normally cause me great fear.
We finished on 65% placing 1st in a busy bronze section"