Glushu for Barrel Racing.
Thanks to our friend Annie Jenkins for sending us Fames Glushu story.
If you are a Barrel Racer and think Glushu can help your performance please contact us
From Annie Jenkins:
"Hi, my name is Annie Jenkins and we are using Glushu on our Barrel Horse Fame.

Fame comes from good stock, he is the grandson of Dash Ta Fame and son of Tricks Dashin Bandit. Despite this great stock Fame has very poor feet. His hoof walls and soles are very thin with no heel to speak of. In addition to this he recently developed a slight pigeon toe which seemed to come out of nowhere. We were at the point of giving up on him and his career when he was only 5. Things were desperate and we turned to Glushu for help.
We are so pleased we did Thanks to Glushu Fame is back to his best if not even better! Since fitting Glushu, Fame now runs with a bigger strides and you can actually feel he is more secure in his footing. He is really wrapping the barrels better than ever. Our goal for 2019 is The American and I believe with Glushu shoes and our determination we will achieve that goal 100 percent!

I can thoroughly recommend Glushu for all barrel racers.
Thanks Glushu Annie Jenkins."