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Farrier Report: Glushu for foundered horse.

Thank you to expert farrier Joel Brown for sharing his use of Glushu glue on foundered horse. Be sure to check out more of Joel's work on his Facebook Page

If you would like to try Glushu for your horse please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.

If you have any questions about Glushu please contact us

From Joel:

"Starting of ‘23 remodelling a chronic founder (Displacement of the internal foot within the capsule).

Unlike conventional thought processes … I don’t subscribe that the SADP, is the sole support in the hoof. Both soft tissue and bone are foundational structures in the internal foot

Separate functions, but both integral to a fully functioning hoof.

Easing her heel base back in time, her toe flare has decreased significantly and the grooving of the dorsal wall has released the distal pull at the coronary band. The arched coronary band reflects the internal displacement of the Ungular cartilages.

Her frog is moving palmar back under the foot print, bars are straightening as her heel purchase defines. She’s set up at 55 degrees, we’ve come from a start of 62 degrees in a few cycles. Easing into the DDFT is the key she’s in a GluShu with support pad and Glu U pour in urethane in super soft shore. Her mechanics are a rolled toe and chamfered heels, easing both ends of her dynamic movement. She loves her set up, no longer footy and choppy, the short turn arounds are no more. Exhibiting a bit more “Hancock” than before as well

Solar landmarks get quite unreliable in these feet, but the frogs are now defining well and opening up, as frog and frog stay (the internal frog) conformationally reflect each other, as 1 improves one would hope so does the other.

As with all these type feet, vibration sensitivity is an issue. The mechanoreceptors in the caudal foot are a key insight into “just asking the horse” how it feels. The Glushu with PREFIX, is a less invasive way to set up these vibration sensitive horses. Setting them up to heal themselves….. in time.

The durability of the acrylic and cycle is a compromise with full dynamic foot function…… I’m not 1 to let perfect get in the way of progress…… as in life, everybody gets it done, the results are the key.

Check out my facebook page for updates on progress."


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