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Farrier Report: Glushu for keratoma removal.

Thank you to expert farrier Joseph Santos for another fantastic Glushu report. Joseph is an expert at dealing with extremely difficult hoof conditions – Glushu glue on horse shoes have become an essential part of his tool kit.

If you would like to try Glushu for your horse please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.

If you have any questions about Glushu please contact us

From Joseph Santos.

“Here is an interesting case where we conducted Keratoma removal using Glushu application.

I chose Glushu because location imaged appeared to be quite large.

With the Glushu style shoe i can easily remove rubber cuff for a larger window resection if necessary. As per caution, I use copper strap with screws hospital plate impression material and casting for stability.

The first images are the day of resection. Second set of images is five weeks for a follow up shoeing. I chose the heart insert in the glue shoe with a pour on second application being we did get a substantial amount of growth in the first rotation. There would be no longer need for access through a hospital plate in this next rotation.

Please follow me on Facebook and feel free to PM me with any questions or more pictures of the process.”




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