Farrier Report: Glushu for Negative Plantar
Thank you to expert farrier Joel Brown for sharing this report on how they used Glushu glue on horse shoes to help with negative plantar. Be sure to check out Joel Brown on Facebook to see more of their great work.
If you would like to try Glushu for your horse please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.
If you have any questions about Glushu please contact us sue@glushu.com.
From Joel Brown.
“Hi All, photos from 2 Negative Plantar cases……
Narrow 3D HoofCare 3 degree graduated 1/2 mesh pad w/ GluShu Glu Shu’s w/ rolled toe and chamfered heels on 2 negative plantar cases. “Prefixed with super glue and accelerant, as their “in the air” time was extremely limited. Acrylic added to the cuffs on a loaded foot A 25 DIM w/Artimud.
First step toward alignment, proportions and comfort for these two.
The relief & comfort was instantaneous, not quite hind alignment but a first step. Thanks Derek Poupard for an awesome addition to revolutionary hoof care.