Farrier Report: Glushu incorporated into complex shoe.
Thank you to farrier Clint Loomis for sharing this complex shoe incorporating Glushu to help a horse with acute hoof problems. The pictures detailing the work are fantastic. To see more of Clints work please check out his Facebook Page.
If you would like to try Glushu for your horse please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.
If you have any questions about Glushu please contact us info@glushu.com.
From Clint Loomis.
“A difficult lameness case today. This eight month old horse was diagnosed as medically foundered in left front .
Without a doubt this was a complex shoe to build and apply. I would like to thank Dr. Rood & Riddle equine podiatry out of Kentucky for walking me through the process, and Dr. Bridget from Jax Equine for their excellent advice.
I have high hopes for this horses progress.”