Farrier Review: Glushu for White Line Disease
Thank you to the expert farriers at Allied Farriers for sharing their use of Glushu glue on horse shoes on a horse with White Line Disease. Be sure to check out Allied Farriers on Facebook.
If you would like to try Glushu for your horse please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.
If you have any questions about Glushu please contact us info@glushu.com
From Allied Farriers:
“We first heard about GluShu's when our friend told us that there would be a 2 day GluShu clinic being run in South Australia, about a 7.5 hour drive from us. That was in April 2021. We attended the clinic and have been using GluShu's ever since.
Billie is a 10 year old TB gelding. He presented with white line disease in a large portion of his hoof. He was not sound with a standard shoe on and had very little hoof to nail to.
We put a pair of GluShu's on his fronts and cut out the cuff around the area where the hoof had been removed so that the owner could keep treating the WLD.
He was sound in the GluShu's and was trail riding up through the great dividing range 3-5 days a week until he was able to go back into normal shoes.
We can 100% recommend Glushu glue on horse shoes.”
