Farrier Review: Glushu for horn reconstruction.
Thank you to farrier Pascal Wick who shared their latest Glushu glue on horse shoes work with a horse with a deformed hoof. Check out...

Farrier Review: Glushu for lameness.
Thank you to farrier Ollie Dand who shared their experience of using Glushu glue on horse shoes for horse suffering lameness due to poor...

Farrier Review: Glushu for laminitic Shetty
More great Glushu work from expert farrier Ulrich Gerusel who used Glushu glue on horse shoes to help a mini Shetty with laminitis....

Farrier Report: Glushu for laminitis.
Thank you to farrier Danny Wallbank who shared their experience of using Glushu glue on horse shoes for an elderly laminitic client....

Farrier Report: Mini Glushu for foundered feet.
Thanks to farrier Mark Male who shared these great photos showing him fitting Mini Glushu for a foundered client. It is fantastic to hear...

Farrier Report: Glushu for multiple hoof conditions.
Thank you to farrier Florian Louche who shared their experience of using Glushu glue on horse shoes for multiple horses with various hoof...

Farrier Report & Video: Glushu for laminitis.
Thanks to farrier Lynda Field who shared her experience using Glushu for a laminitic client. If you would like to try Glushu for your...

Farrier Report: Glushu for suspected laminitis.
Thanks to Esther Munter and the gang at Huf Reha Team for sharing their fantastic Glushu work with their client suffering with suspected...

Farrier Report: Glushu for broken hoof.
Thanks to Esther Munter and the gang at Huf Reha Team for sharing their fantastic Glushu work with their draft client with a broken hoof....

Farrier Report: Glushu for Hoofwall Separation and flares.
Thank you to farrier Morgan Johansson who shared his story of using Glushu glue on horse shoes to help a horse Hoof Wall Separation and...